Relevant contents of seismic refraction forward and inversion

Hello, I’m a university student majoring in geophysics. I want to ask you a question: Is there any code related to seismic refraction forward and inversion in simpeg? I would be very happy if you could spare me precious time to answer me.

Hi Hui,
I think that pyGIMLi ( might be better suited for seismic refraction than SimPEG. Recent development in SimPEG focused on non-seismic methods.

Thank you very much. Can I use the PGI in Simpeg to perform the joint inversion of seismic refraction method and resistivity method in Pygimli?

I don’t think that is easily possible, but I am not completely sure. Others might know better.

Thank you very much for your reply. I have one last question: there are 2D seismic reflection forward and inversion in SimPEG. What do I need to change if I want to write 3D reflection forward and inversion based on these codes? What does the variable “vec” in tomo.simulation mean?

I do not know, sorry. I have never used the seismic modules in SimPEG. Hopefully other devs will chime in. However, as far as I can see I do not think that the seismic parts of SimPEG have been used or updated in recent years.

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I am not aware anyone attempted to use any simpeg regularizations with pygimli; so I would say that PGI + pygimli likely won’t work out of the box. You would need to make a simulation wrapper around the pygimli forward problem and its gradients.

Thank you very much for your assistance.Can “stratight_ray_tomagraphy. simulation” be applied to 3D? In SimPEG, there are only 2D examples. I tried to modify “survey” to apply it to 3D, but this seems to be impossible.If it can be implemented, how can I modify it? I want to try again.