Setting inversion DC in SimPEG

I tried run inversion with this setting but the proj did not decrease, increase. In the example in documentation, I can see that proj decreases with each iteration. So, what do i do in this case?

# set up the data misfit
dmisfit = data_misfit.L2DataMisfit(data=dc_data, simulation=simulation_dc)

# Related to inversion
reg = regularization.WeightedLeastSquares(
    alpha_y=1#./mesh.h[0].min()**2,  # since this is a 2D problem, the second dimension is "y" 

opt = optimization.InexactGaussNewton(maxIter=20, maxIterCG=15)
# opt = optimization.SteepestDescent(maxIter=15)
# opt = optimization.GaussNewton(maxIter=15, maxIterCG=15)
inv_prob = inverse_problem.BaseInvProblem(dmisfit, reg, opt)

# directives
save = directives.SaveOutputDictEveryIteration()
beta_est = directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=1e3)
beta_schedule = directives.BetaSchedule(coolingFactor=8, coolingRate=1.5)
target = directives.TargetMisfit()

inv = inversion.BaseInversion(
    inv_prob, directiveList=[beta_est, beta_schedule, target, save]
# Run inversion
mopt =
SimPEG.InvProblem will set Regularization.reference_model to m0.
SimPEG.InvProblem will set Regularization.reference_model to m0.
SimPEG.InvProblem will set Regularization.reference_model to m0.
SimPEG.InvProblem will set Regularization.reference_model to m0.
SimPEG.InvProblem will set Regularization.reference_model to m0.

                        SimPEG.InvProblem is setting bfgsH0 to the inverse of the eval2Deriv.
                        ***Done using same Solver, and solver_opts as the Simulation2DNodal problem***
model has any nan: 0
============================ Inexact Gauss Newton ============================
  #     beta     phi_d     phi_m       f      |proj(x-g)-x|  LS    Comment   
x0 has any nan: 0
   0  4.04e-04  2.71e+03  0.00e+00  2.71e+03    1.41e-01      0              
   1  5.05e-05  2.69e+03  6.08e+02  2.69e+03    5.81e+00      3              
   2  6.31e-06  2.61e+03  1.95e+03  2.61e+03    8.25e+00      5              
   3  7.88e-07  2.59e+03  1.87e+03  2.59e+03    1.90e+01      4              
   4  9.85e-08  2.56e+03  2.53e+03  2.56e+03    2.06e+01      4              
   5  1.23e-08  2.51e+03  5.07e+03  2.51e+03    3.95e+01      3              
   6  1.54e-09  2.35e+03  5.31e+03  2.35e+03    5.31e+01      4   Skip BFGS  
   7  1.92e-10  2.08e+03  6.55e+03  2.08e+03    8.83e+01      3              
   8  2.41e-11  1.75e+03  8.44e+03  1.75e+03    2.78e+02      1              
   9  3.01e-12  1.56e+03  9.00e+03  1.56e+03    1.02e+02      0              
  10  3.76e-13  1.52e+03  1.25e+04  1.52e+03    1.05e+02      1              
  11  4.70e-14  1.42e+03  1.30e+04  1.42e+03    1.12e+02      3              
  12  5.87e-15  1.34e+03  1.33e+04  1.34e+03    1.89e+02      4              
  13  7.34e-16  1.29e+03  1.21e+04  1.29e+03    2.02e+02      0              
  14  9.18e-17  1.05e+03  2.09e+04  1.05e+03    2.07e+02      1              
  15  1.15e-17  1.02e+03  2.52e+04  1.02e+03    2.57e+02      1              
  16  1.43e-18  8.79e+02  2.36e+04  8.79e+02    1.29e+02      1              
  17  1.79e-19  8.64e+02  2.47e+04  8.64e+02    2.48e+02      0              
  18  2.24e-20  8.55e+02  2.56e+04  8.55e+02    2.51e+02      0              
  19  2.80e-21  8.05e+02  2.50e+04  8.05e+02    4.05e+01      0              
  20  3.50e-22  8.04e+02  2.65e+04  8.04e+02    8.50e+01      0   Skip BFGS  
------------------------- STOP! -------------------------
1 : |fc-fOld| = 1.6287e+00 <= tolF*(1+|f0|) = 2.7157e+02
1 : |xc-x_last| = 6.2543e+00 <= tolX*(1+|x0|) = 2.6258e+01
0 : |proj(x-g)-x|    = 8.5027e+01 <= tolG          = 1.0000e-01
0 : |proj(x-g)-x|    = 8.5027e+01 <= 1e3*eps       = 1.0000e-02
1 : maxIter   =      20    <= iter          =     20
------------------------- DONE! -------------------------