I recently updated my geoapps. When I tried to run a gravity inversion, I got the following error and I don’t know what to do. Help please. Thanks.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~\Downloads\geoapps-main\geoapps-main\geoapps\inversion\potential_fields\application.py:1203, in InversionApp.write_trigger(self, _)
1201 new_obj = obj.copy(parent=new_workspace, copy_children=False)
1202 for d in data:
→ 1203 if new_workspace.get_entity(d.uid)[0] is None:
1204 d.copy(parent=new_obj)
1206 if self.inversion_type.value == “magnetic vector”:
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘uid’